
Report #272,298

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closedalmost 5 years
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counter-report to this: out of nowhere harrasses me in PUBLIC calling me an incel and that i dont get laid (both 100% wrong) and continues to mock and harrass me by filing a false report on me.... dude u started this whole thing and u need to get consequences for it
almost 5 years
free nv here; get that quota up to snuff mods
almost 5 years
i dont see what he said was a slur

pimp is a slur now?

none of it even got censored even the f word is censored
almost 5 years
stop. f*cking. bashing. me. in. comments. dude.

leave me alone
almost 5 years
don't worry i would be more than happy to ignore that such people actually exist on this earth
almost 5 years
toxic1,youre so entitled u think its hilarious to dehumanize a person but its wrong when you get called a name that ISNT a slur ONCE

stop responding ur a filthy person and never mention my name in ur posts EVER again
almost 5 years
you're actually hilarious it's hilarious
almost 5 years
And you keep harassing me calling me incel over and over and over again omg I called you sir lady ONCE
Disgusting tbh
almost 5 years
correction I told you to kiss my cheeks not pick them you crazy person. You publicly started to bash me and that is harassment. Idk your gender so I thought sirlady was appropriate if that’s the straw man you’re gonna use. We had a long back and forth and if you’re gonna is try to report at least be real and know when you’re in the wrong. Disgusting harasser
almost 5 years
lick your a$$ cheeks*
almost 5 years
First of all: im not the one who 'started this' , you have told me to delete my profile before - you have asked me to lick your cheeks and i can go on and on... i wouldn't out of nowhere post something (which is also a fact) seeing as if you're calling an ugly feminist - a sirlady - offending the LGBTQIA+ community , you are indeed being an incel and you deserve to be called out