imagine trying to justify in all possible ways and make it forcefully sound as if i cheated. The real cop copied mechanics. You didnt report them. You choose to report me and it is pretty much evident its all out of pure frustration and that grudge. Memoji claimed guilty on noob and didnt even write complete name and also said "hahahah nice cc" after they cced which is a mafia line. Keep behaving like a child.
deletedover 5 years
i don't need your respect, you found it suspicious that he had a guilty report on 6? who happened to claim a guilty on me, trolled the whole game pretending to be a noob , where you knew he wasn't a noob.
deletedover 5 years
if you aren't cheating, u have nothing to worry about. i don't have a grudge on you by any means, and you know it.
holy your the most pussiest person i ever met on this site. Memoji outed report in the most scummiest way possible and you report me just because u guys lost?? abraar ur doing nothing other than embarassing urself with these frivolous reports onto me. Instead of kudoing, karma'ng, you report me. Not to mention real cop also copied pasted. This clearly shows ur grudge against me LMAO