
Report #251,961

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closeddeletedabout 6 years

i had no notes that i was harassing feenikss and he only reported me on this months ago and it was literally a joke report saying that he felt harassed by my reports of feeling harassed. i have tried to get along with him. the bottom line is that he just hates me. others like charley, justin, bsm, emily also hate me but we can play a game together still. the problem here is that feenikss is just acting this way for attention. if you had told him that he had to play nicely with me or he can get any vios that result from not doing this (and told me the same), i am like 95% sure that he would have sucked it up and played with me without huge incident. if he could not, he could leave the only open game and remake it later (i do this to avoid people like bsm and justin at times myself). the way that feenikss acts is all his fault. i dont even report him for most of the times that he harassed me in forums. why do i get punished and banned from playing any games for hours, when he is the one that is acting immature and doing all of the drama? since i got him lobby banned 11months ago, he has worked non-stop, even during his bans, to get me banned too. he would comment on all of my reports and threads, slander me, insult me, etc. I did not even report him after months of doing this, but i finally got fed up and reported him like he deserved. why do you go out of the way to reward his behavior here and punish the person getting harassed? this was handled all wrong. we cant fill competition tables period, so you guys can't be banning people from playing together in competition because they hate each other and dont want to play together. if you had forced feeniks and i to play together, we would have been within a week without incident i think