
Report #251,766

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 6 years
i have been waiting at least 30minutes for a game, because you ban me from joining the only open table with feeniks. i can play nicely with feenikss, as long as he plays the game and does not just use it to slander me the whole game. also i do not even have one harassment vio that keeps me from playing with him. him not liking me is not a reason to ban me from playing. i propose that we do the following. each of us can join the only open table and play nicely with each other. if there are 2 tables that will fill we can play separately. if one of us does not feel like playing with the other one, we can leave and let their table fill and then re-host. it becomes lobby camping if they leave and the other person follows them from game to game
deletedabout 6 years
1 hour and counting that i have waited
deletedabout 6 years
deletedabout 6 years

i have been waiting and remaking games since this time stamp on his game here. i have the right to play too
deletedabout 6 years
i have been waiting 40min by myself in a game. i have the right to play and not be banned because some toxic guy is harassing me and trying to make it so i cant play