
Report #251,621

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 6 years
enables feeniks to harass me, which itself is harassment.also is trying to ban me with bs report verdicts. he should step down as admin as his corruption is killing this site. feenikss has harassed me for months. he constantly slandered me and he would allow this by allowing the mods to nv reports and to keep slanderous threads up: he also allowed dangelo to constantly harass me. here is a history of old harassment that he supported: he is helping feenikss harass me. i tell feenikss to stop slandering me, but he constantly does it and they do nothing. they nv/only note my reports: then feenikss has been trying to make it so i cant play and join the only open table. then when i approach him one time to see if i could stop him from harassing me and get along, and you guys give me a 6month vio for asking him to get along with me for once (not like you guys are trying to make us do this at all or to stop the harassment). you want us to not get along as a means to continue to harass me. you let him get away with notes at the worst for constantly harassing me, keep his slanderous material posted, and then give me a 6month harsh vio for like approaching him a single time to like try to make him stop. stop harassing me nathan....
about 6 years
if we were out to get you as much as you say we'd be pushing for another report spam from this.
deletedabout 6 years
then when i report you for harassing me, you use the made up report spam vio to blackmail me....

you guys will ban me no matter what so do it. that is why you gave me the lc vio too.

your whole goal is to continue to harass me....
about 6 years
deletedabout 6 years
mods and admins should never be enabling the harassment of site players here. people have in the past killed themselves over stuff like this, and do you really want their blood in your hands?

you guys seriously crossed the line in my case of what is acceptable and not