
Report #249,902

Report Details

closeddeletedover 6 years
harassment in reports and on site in general for months. i want him to stop joining my games and handling my reports. a few months ago he started the pathetic agreement, which nathan overturned, that allowed anyone that did not want to play with me to demand that i leave the table, basically making it so i could not play: now that he cant do this to get rid of me off the site, he trying to vio farm me. he either reported me or handled the report for all 3 of my nonsense vios in the past week. he was also instant closing other important reports like me saying to close the mental health thread, as it is just making people like me even more suicidal reading bs like that....he clearly does not like me and cant be impartial. even when a verdict has been overturned, he like leaves the note up against me in hopes that i get a vio for a note/vio that did not even exist...

leave me the h3ll alone bsm. i did nothing to you, but its evident that you hate me and want me gone and will and have done everything in your power to make it happen. someone like this should not be doing anything with my reports as its harassment
over 6 years

presented without comment
over 6 years
pls take away s on ur https link ty
deletedover 6 years

calls me crazy
deletedover 6 years

in this thread i was complaining about the stupid rule of reporting people while a game is still going on is a vio, when you were not giving away info that people did not know. i had done this accidently so in this comment he was referring to me when he called me stupid
deletedover 6 years

tells me to go play another site instead of fighting for my justice in all of his made up reports on me
deletedover 6 years

says he will vio farm me if i make a thread basically...
deletedover 6 years

calls me stupid again
deletedover 6 years
i will add links of hc to now