
Report #247,395

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closeddeletedover 6 years
harassment. i have asked him many times to leave me alone. he needs to stop making threads and posts that are just there to personally attack me. i avoid him and they can do the same. [quote=feenikss]mtlve still talking about "the only table opened" is amusing as fck. dude literally lobby camping every time he has a chance joining and leaving tables whenever he wants and typing in pregame "i am alloowed to join whatever i want" this dude is a troll a liar and a pretender.

literally joins table and rejoins next one when ppl try to dodge him and says that was the only table rofl. he does this every time. dont listen to this moron. all he types comes straight out of his[/quote]
over 6 years
deletedover 6 years
also his use of the word moron here attacks my intelligence. this whole post is here to slander me and just to continue harassing me. he got a vio for this once, and he stopped for a week only but started it again!