
Report #243,724

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closedalmost 7 yearsfor Game 6474763
Trolling unapologetically. He hipfired cop just for funnies at the start of the game. I am SO tired of Matt doing these things.
almost 7 years
To insinuate because I'm an old and decrepit user that i can get away with violations is rudeness TBH! sky i demand this vio overturned
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
Have a problem then appeal me. Every other mod would give you a trolling violation for this lol. If not they would be OTed. You think because you’re an old user you can just get away with it.
almost 7 years
Yeah, that's a literal trash decision, Sky. Hip firing is completely fine and your conclusive thoughts should be further challenged because it's legitimate
almost 7 years
Hi there,

Charley here. 6 year veteran on Epicmafia(dot)com.

I know exactly what raven is talking about by saying "I am so tired of Matt doing these things" .. She thinks you are soda17 haha lol.

Let me tell you that hip firing is a violation worthy offense. The EM community has literally debated this over & over & over and came to the conclusion that it is a trolling violation. Sometimes GT depending on the situation. You can find this out from visiting: People can scumread people, people can town-tell, but let me tell you the can't do that 1 second into day1 (that is when you shot)

Basically, what i'm saying is Don't hipfire and idc what year you joined buddy.
almost 7 years
I only know Sachy, Bepop, and Jess. Who tf are the other mods lmfao
almost 7 years
Hi there,

Matt12 here. A 6+ year veteran on Epicmafia(dot)com.

I have absolutely no idea what Ravenn is talking about by "I am so tired of Matt doing these things"

I literally only play on Matt12, so I have no idea of what constant "trolling" I participate in.

Let me tell you that hip firing is not violation worthy offense. The EM community has literally debated this over & over & over and there is no reason as to why I cannot shoot when I feel that it's appropriate. People can scum read, people can town-tell, but it makes absolutely no difference from me shooting from a 'gut' read and a 'scum read' because there's no way that mods/pr's/lucid can know the difference.

Basically, what I'm saying is that my actions were valid and Ravenn is making it seem as if my record is troll worthy when I have a clean a** record being a player from 2010. thx.