
Report #238,139

Report Details

closeddeletedover 6 years APPEAL - this background isn't inappropriate it's just two men kissing. Are you homophobic?

Other backgrounds involving men kissing have been reported and NO VIOD. Precedent has already been set that my background style is fine. here is just one example:

I have attached a copy of my old background here in this report.
deletedover 6 years

ot to nv
over 6 years
You could have at least used attractive men kissing wtf
over 6 years
if mikeyru can go years with a man tonguing gif so can this man

let him be gay
deletedover 6 years
kissing, especially with tongue, no matter what the genders is sexual thus making the background inappropriate

stop trolling
over 6 years
We are almost in 2018. It is time that people realize that homosexuality is normal, and it is not "inappropriate" or "perverse". Thank you.

The men featured in my profile background are fully clothed, and there is nothing overtly sexual about the GIF. It is just merely two men kissing.