
Report #237,830

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closeddeletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
Yeah I don't N1 the people who I literally get online to play with (what a surprise)

The N1 kill is random and the choice itself doesn't matter, so why would I remove my friend from a game we're both in before it even starts? I don't auto tr meg or throw for her, I want to win and I pursue that goal regardless of what alignment meg and I are on. There are plenty of games (that you haven't linked ofc) where I've beaten meg or she's beaten me and we're on different teams. We have a friendly rivalry and can read each other because we know each other well.
about 7 years
OGI vio imo

This case is similar to soda&bianca. I was about to say ogi note due to the precedent of soda&bianca (even tho these cases should be ovi vio imo). However this is a different level of meta abuse, on one game meg forced nk instead of n1'ing carmen, and when carmen saw the nk her first instinct was to say that meg was maf that forced nk on her.

Please stop playing with this abuse of meta, since you are making the games unfair for the other players.