
Report #236,300

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 7 years
Forum trolling/derailing and admitting to harassment.

[/quote]I've redefined it. I've given it a new purpose and life. That purpose is making fun of you.
about 7 years
Lacey you are the one spamming and no you don't understand what report spam is.
deletedabout 7 years
lacey 3h 1m +1
lacey 2m 7s
report spam
about 7 years
It's got to be tough, being someone like you on a website like this, where odds are the people bullying you are smarter than you too. What do you have left?
about 7 years
Says I am stupider and lamer than him if I don't play chess vs him.
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
as the person being sIut shamed, that addition to the report is ridiculous and sonse's joke didn't offend me. the fact that he thinks i want unknowngangster to monitor the halls of my v did offend me though.
about 7 years
He will abuse anyone to get a laugh.
He's not wrong lol
deletedabout 7 years
sl*t-shaming is the redacted term.
about 7 years
Is sexist and -shaming in this post to another user than myself while simultaneously virgin-shaming someone he knows nothing about:

It's okay UnknownGangster I have good news, you won't be a virgin long, lacey likes you. She wants you to monitor her hall, I can tell.
deletedabout 7 years
You're welcome, to the mod who does this report.
about 7 years
Reposting the link so it's top of the comments list:
about 7 years
Here he mocks the punishment system of EM:
A severe punishment huh? Do you think Charlie will spank me?
about 7 years
He mocks/devalues the integrity of being a mod or banning someone by mockingly posting this:

I said I'm not a role mod because I'm THE role mod. One more word and I'm going to ban you for cheating, pal.
go ahead and ban me with your role mod powers.
By the power vested in me by the State of Epicmafia, I hereby BAN YOU for CHEATING
deletedabout 7 years
lacey 2m 7s
report spam
about 7 years
Recidivism1m 15s
I said I'm not a role mod because I'm THE role mod. One more word and I'm going to ban you for cheating, pal.
deletedabout 7 years
report spam
about 7 years
REdicivism posted that not me:
about 7 years
If you can prove you're r*tarded with like a certificate or something, or by printing this thread, the bullies will have to leave you alone or their girlfriends will stop sucking them off for picking on a r*tard. It's the optimal strategy here.
about 7 years
I don't think they feared you. I think they thought you were a loser and a snitch.
about 7 years
I admit to intentional harassment and trolling here. You are under the false assumption that I would care if I got a violation, and also that I won't get away with it/
about 7 years
Please scroll over my red star. You will see that I am a moderator, and a very important one. As Nelson from The Simpsons would say: "Ha ha!"

Yeah but all of my fellow mod buddies will be corrupt as heck and just laugh at you with me