
Report #235,621

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closeddeleteddeletedabout 7 years

[APPEAL] lol there was absolutely zero evidence for us cheating in that game. Tell me, how would I know the sniper and spy just from rolesharing with Paradox? You can alt check us and see we are multiaccounting. We don't communicate outside of game. We just circlejerk which deserves OGI vio at best
deletedabout 7 years
"There is no way he could have known you shot without outside communication" - yes there is. I hipfired the game LITERALLY RIGHT before that one.

I really don't care about my account. I care about the fact that this is an unfair vio and more so, I care that you unfairly banned Paradox.
deletedabout 7 years
As for saying they didn’t report the correct game. The correct game is in the comments and we went lightly on it and only gave you a cheating 24 hour suspension vio. When really it should be a week ban for multiple red hearts. So I’d stop complaining if i were you.
deletedabout 7 years
The role mods concluded that you cheated for multiple reasons. There is no way he could have known you shot without outside communication and because you guys have meta abused in the past. (I gave an ogi vio for past meta abusing being nice) but metaabuse is cheating. Accept your vio.
about 7 years
This is dumb. Saying "I'm cheating lol" or whatever is just a meme.
deletedabout 7 years
Also cheating vio has to be over multiple red heart games and there was no pastebin or nuthin
deletedabout 7 years
i say im gt/cheat as a joke. i wasn't. This game was just meta. I assumed she shot because she hipfires often, and she confirmed my assumption
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
paradox agreed to cheating lol
deletedabout 7 years
If in Game 1 I hipfire, and in Game 2 I hipfire, how is it cheating for Paradox to assume that I hipfired in the second game as well? Especially when none of the accounts on the table are toss accounts.
deletedabout 7 years
See this game, which supposedly got cheating vio:

Kauzu asked why Paradox shot me, and got a pretty clear answer:

03:18 Paradox42@kauzu1
coz he hipfired last game u

The game right before that one, I'd hipfired daystart. He just guessed that I was the person at the table most likely to hipfire. There was no rolesharing on our part.
It goes against the "bunnies never kill each other" narrative, as well, since he shot me.
deletedabout 7 years
Again, how could I possibly automatically know the spy and the sniper just from role sharing with a blue? How is getting a really lucky game evidence for cheating?
deletedabout 7 years
Yeah, I didn't. I don't have any communication with Paradox outside of the Epic Mafia. We're clearly not the same person - you can alt check us. I don't play for him to win. We just circle jerk which could be considered meta abuse / OGI, but does not warrant a cheating vio.
deletedabout 7 years
This game I got an cheating vio for. There is no way in which cheating could have made me find the mafia unless I was cheating with Penderecki or Hiworld, since Paradox was blue.
This was a game were I hipfired as deputy, and got the sniper. Then I random lynched as deputy, found a bad reaction and lynched the spy. Cheating with Paradox WOULD NOT HAVE MADE ME AUTOMATICALLY KNOW THE MAFIA. I don't see how that game could be "evidence" for cheating.

The game that Paradox and I got OGI vio for was this one:

This was the VERY next game after the other one. In this game, I hipfired daystart as sniper in the same way that I did in the game before. Para knew that I hipfired because I'm a GT account and hipfire at daystart.
about 7 years
You deserved it. Shut up and take the ban.
deletedabout 7 years
Not to say, I got a cheating AND an OGI vio both for the same game (they didn't even report the correct game).