
Report #232,658

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 7 years
Openly admits that he purposly throw games because a mod account was hacked in game yesterday he hipfired as sheriff hipfired outside the carols and ccs and shot a blue and when he shot it he immediatly suicided multiple players from that game could comfirm that
about 7 years
Yean that game got rollbacked
about 7 years
could you link me to the sheriff hip firing game or is it gone? if it's gone bc of the rollbacks i can't do anything about it, sorry

normally i'd note this but you explicitly didn't try in the slightest; even claiming it's wifom doesn't make sense. you didn't give your partners a chance to try and win the game by bussing your jan and nilla, admitting to being a gt account 14.25 AND basically admitted to being maf end of d2 to pinche which was why you got autolynched d3 which you didn't unvote/put up a fight about. gt 1st