
Report #231,371

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closeddeletedalmost 7 yearsfor Game 6218725
isp. i told him to not cc and that I would claim journ. he instead claims and random guilts town to force shot on himself after cop had a guilty on our partner
deletedalmost 7 years
Also he had plenty of time to tell me in the night meeting that no he was ccing and for me to not cc but like he did not do this. Jan always ccs and i told him to not cc and that I would cc instead since i was jan. He obviously did not read this or did not care to tell me no i am ccing and you do not. Its his job to participate in and follow what was said at the night meetings
deletedalmost 7 years
This is isp. He obviously did not know that I was ccing as jan after I told him that I was and to not cc. He did not read the game at all
almost 7 years
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almost 7 years
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deletedalmost 7 years
I told you to not claim at night because I was ccing. you then claimed. you knew that I was ccing. If you did not know this, its isp...
almost 7 years
how is this isp tbh we got destroyed by town that's all lvao.
deletedalmost 7 years
like I explicitly said for him to not cc. this is so *ed up....