
Report #228,131

Report Details

closeddeletedover 6 yearsfor Game 6147567
GRS. Most town votes were on VonDoom, and it was going to be town autowin d1. Votes were locked in via kicks, and staming committed sudoku. This is clear GRS for Vondoom and against me. Investigate Vondoom's other games to see if other GRSs favored him.
deletedover 6 years
I understand what seppuku is. I'm just following a comment on the Main Lobby thread chat thing. You can go get a life and stop commenting on this decided report thread now. See ya love.
deletedover 6 years
Japanese my love.
over 6 years
Zayn nobody cares about your chinese language skills
deletedover 6 years
The word is seppuku, but ok.
over 6 years
Jeff is a fkn idiot
deletedover 6 years
Someone on the main lobby thread of comments thing suggested the wording as a way to both alleviate the connotation of "suicide" and make a jab at weebs. Sorry not sorry if you fall in the latter category and are offended. It's also funny how you feel it necessary to comment on all of my reports. #obsessed
over 6 years
This moron really said "Commited SUDOKU"

deletedover 6 years
VonDoom, I greatly appreciate your honesty, and I respect you more for it. Thank you for choosing to take action and dodge this obvious thrower. Because I'm trusting in your word, let it be known that the only person that should be punished should an investigation occur should be staming.
deletedover 6 years
he definitely grs'd for vondoom. vondoom does not want people to throw for its behalf however. vondoom is going to dodge staming for at least the end of the round. he's offered to throw for vondoom before but vondoom has told him every time it doesnt want people to cheat for it. the staming is going against vondooms wishes here. That is all