
Report #223,654

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closeddeletedabout 7 yearsfor Game 6047061
Harassement; I'm all for jabs and having fun, but when your jabs aren't funny and you won't stop it's becomes harassing, It got so bad other people had to ask him to stop, like what's the point, i didn't even talk to him when he started. I'm not fat, but what if I was. What was sammy trying to accomplish. Did he want me to feel hurt, not really funny. Sometimes people just want to play the game and not deal with the sh1t.
almost 7 years
about 7 years
I'm all for jabs and having fun, but when your jabs aren't funny and you won't stop it's becomes harassing, It got so bad other people had to ask him to stop, like what's the point, i didn't even talk to him when he started. I'm not fat, but what if I was. What was sammy trying to accomplish. Did he want me to feel hurt, not really funny. Sometimes people just want to play the game and not deal with the sh1t.
about 7 years
Haha, EM is the only place were a bunch of weirdos can harass you with no precedence and then get mad at you when you use site mechanics to retaliate instead of entertaining them. And I'm the one who needs to get a life, lol. F4cking weirdos.
deletedabout 7 years
Get a grip, get a life, and get over it.
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
I met Sammy recently, my name is KingFish and this is my M&G story. I met him October 20th of this year and it was horrific. He was rude, not classy and he lost a long time lovatic that day. I walked in the $350 M&G and say hello he replies with "fat" and I shook it off because I thought maybe I had heard him wrong. As I approached him and asked to do my pose he stared at me blank faced. I continued talking "you saved my life" I say. "You're the reason I'm alive today". He looks me dead in the eye and says "you'll die soon enough, fatty" and then whispered "obesity". I started crying I had never felt pain like this and he started laughing and said "are you crying? Stop it. Stop it now" and he flicked my vągına. The photographer took the picture and I headed out of the M&G section and that's when Sammy started speaking whale to me. I still can't believe this happened. I cried writing this. I wish this weren't true but Sammy is in fact; a horrible person. Thank you
deletedabout 7 years
mad cuz fat
about 7 years
I was there and I agree sammy's comments were really uncalled for