
Report #219,049

Report Details

closeddeletedover 7 years
trolling isp. he spammed the whole game that i was gt account and to lynch me. this game was unplayable because of his trolling
over 7 years
Post the exact sentences where I trolled. I voted correctly the whole game. And this game was a mess, so I had to repeat a couple of sentences several times to be heard. My reads were nearly flawless(2/3). >ISP. LOL. Someone give this guy a report spam vio. ; ; ; ; - THE 5 FIRST REPORTS BY THIS GUY. ALL NO-VIOED. And there are like 9/10 (or more likely 99/100) no-vio'ed reports posted by this guy. I can't fill the "report spam" vio though. But moderators should do that.
deletedover 7 years
i mean trolling/ogi. its ogi because his only arguement was that i needed lynched because i was gt account