
Report #212,172

Report Details

closeddeletedover 7 years
The user JesusKiller is currently banned from the main lobby:
But the user KoranKiller isn't.

The nice mod Private told me it was a name-related issue. What can I do about this to make it fair?

Will both of those users be banned? Or will none of them be?
over 7 years
BTW I don't think this is a vio problem. The problem here is the JesusKiller cannot access the main lobby, is currently stuck in the banned lobby. However, no violations actually appear on the profile in question.
over 7 years
I know, I'm basically asking for Jesuskiller to have the same state as your state :)

So if your username is no-vio'd, then his username should be no-vio'd as well. It's that simple!
deletedover 7 years
Please don't involve me in your disputes. My username has been no-vio'd three times now.