
Report #201,288

Report Details

closedover 7 years
APPEAL Dude her evidence for banning me was that I called her life sad in a game that she lost. She had a bad game and banned me for it. Go look at the topic I made in complaints. Are you telling me you support her decision to ban people after she plays a bad game?
over 7 years
10:24 Ethereal
How's banned user life
10:25 fIeur
better than yours

over 7 years
Lol dude your alts are even more obvious than mine were when I used to be a banned user. Git gud at evading.
deletedover 7 years
vote to OT
over 7 years
over 7 years
go f'uck yourself you sick maniac. this website is a f'ucking joke if this piece of s'hit petri can join games and just ban whoever the f'uck he wants with evidence as pathetic as he gave

you mods should take a look at what you're allowing to happen. you're letting this clinically insane f'ucker roam free on this website with the ability to ban ppl after he plays a bad game with them. just read the game. he gets triggered after slipping and decides to ban me on the spot and you dumbf'ucks are letting that happen
over 7 years
Ethereal just cant let go of her grudges
its sad.

Keep pretending to not be vilden tho. Why would i have a grudge against you, ABUSIVE, if you were a random, new user that isnt vilden like you claim? Close this already lol.
over 7 years
vilden lad you did admit who you were to me
over 7 years
hey dude, we all know who you are. we've been lenient not banning you for awhile, just accept it pls.
over 7 years
Just read this game - notice how she gets triggered when she's being lynched and says "Hey Abusive what's it like being a banned user"