Whoa. Do you have any idea who you just reported? I don't even have to read the game to know that Samuel isn't wrong here. Mods close this report immediately and shy1520 please apologize to Samuel at once!
Whoa. Do you have any idea who you just reported? I don't even have to read the game to know that Samuel isn't wrong here. Mods close this report immediately and shy1520 please apologize to Samuel at once!
Whoa. Do you have any idea who you just reported? I don't even have to read the game to know that Samuel isn't wrong here. Mods close this report immediately and shy1520 please apologize to Samuel at once!
Whoa. Do you have any idea who you just reported? I don't even have to read the game to know that Samuel isn't wrong here. Mods close this report immediately and shy1520 please apologize to Samuel at once!
Yeah, someone came to the door and I had to get up. I voted d1, also check the chat idiot, the cop was getting killed the next night anyways. That wasn't GRS, you're just mad.