
Report #192,756

Report Details

closedover 7 years Cheating with crazedplayer. I will give you 24 hours to reply.
over 7 years
Edark, the fact that you are using words like suggest and suspicious should be enough to NOT warrant I ban. I've cheated before and when I did I outed myself. This is . That was years ago and that is something that was considered when making the decision. That's not fair to me, but more importantly not fair to Sky.
over 7 years
After discussion with the cheating investigation group we have concluded that there is enough evidence to suggest that you cheated over multiple games. While you didnt cheat every single game you played together we found enough suspicous games to warrant a ban.
over 7 years
Just say you can catch cheaters because you cheated. They will make you mod.
over 7 years
I don't understand what you are worried about. Just confess and get banned. Request for early unban after a week telling how sad you feel or how bad your emotional condition was, that made you cheat, or a terminal disease. Then become mod like every other mod did. Then cheat freely without ever getting banned, stack trophies, help friends stack trophies. Report and ban anyone that raises a voice against you. Literally nothing to worry about.
over 7 years
I've cheated on this game before. About 2-3 years ago. Cheating isn't fun or rewarding, I don't do it anymore. Haven't since I came back from being banned.
over 7 years
However, she didn't and was on Lady, the doc which helped town in no way. If I was cheating for sky I would have told her my partners, yes? It just doesn't make since.
over 7 years
Burial, I I will recap that game really fast.. N1 Jeff doesn't want to CC cop and ask if he has to, I say no, that I will. No big deal. With me CCing cop there doesn't need to be a N1 jan as I need to see if the cop dies or not. D1 comes around and I plan on having a report on sky, I had my C/P ready for the report. However, sky happen to be the cop, so I couldn't have an inno on sky. I changed said that I up my C/P and my report was on Lady, not sky. I was slipping up D1 and said guilty on Sky, when I was meaning to say inno after changing the report. But I can tell you, if I was throwing I wouldn't have fought for that lynch to come off of me. Also, the orc thought I was legit by the end of the day. Because I was fighting my way out of it. At the end I lost the CC battle, as I figured I would have the first 10 seconds into the day. That right the sums up the N1/D1. After that though if we were cheating sky has an easy excuse to check Jeff that night as he pushed so hard
over 7 years
the one where he tells his partners to not jan and changes his report is the most blatant one
over 7 years
Nobody knows roleswap better than I do. I know what a real roleswap is. This one was definitely orchestrated outside the game or they are very close friends who initiate roleswap with something like sky did. They had no way to townread each other like this. A roleswap has contingency plans. This one had none. I think they cheated that game and the games before that. And they stopped after that. I would definitely ban them. I could be wrong though. But the thing here is that people like gerry, systemoverload and poser have done things much more fishy than this and have not received any vio. The thing common between gerry , systemoverload and this guy right here is that we don't have concrete evidence against them. The difference is that against sky we have much less circumstantial evidence than I gave against others. Another difference is that sky doesnt belong to the big guys circle jerk. So it's unfair if we give a vio here. Even though I am absolutely sure they cheated.
over 7 years
People role swap all the time nowadays like fools. Dogebro does it a lot and I have see sky demon do it in games too. Whether he is the pr that is letting it happen or the blue/maf who is trying to RS. Literally every game someone tries to RS. Just my two cents. I'm not commenting on whether they cheated or not.
over 7 years
Waiting for you to come back with your current thought on this. I don't have much to say as this is cheating. I gave that up a long time ago, and could honestly just come back with a new account, but there wasn't cheating here and I don't want that to with Sky.
over 7 years
Edark, can you look at any of the other the games. There was never any cheating, not even in any of the provided games. The only game that would even be suspect is the game we role swap and in hind sight it is obvious that it was a swap. I even pushed for me not leading the lynch or giving out reads. I would ask that you also read the games in suspect, not just the pastebin
over 7 years
Since I find the evidence so strong I do not wish them to impact the round any further.
over 7 years
I only met Sky when I came back. I have no clue who it actually is and have 0 means of outside communication. If you are gonna post games with me and sky, then post all 11. Don't pick and choose the games that could look like cheating.
over 7 years
Should not suspend them while the investigation is pending. Should suspend only when the report is closed. Because if you decide they are innocent then they will have served an unfair suspension and might lose on time when they play.