
Report #189,815

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closedalmost 8 years
Appeal it is cool you are giving benefit of doubt. I do believe he had to do other things. But check my comments. Why did he shoot if he knew he had to leave? You guys never give benefit of doubt to others. This was a gold heart game and was important for me.
almost 8 years
Nathan did not pick this since jeff asked him. Im sustaining this aswell, jeff doesnt have a history of GRS'ing.
almost 8 years
Why did you shoot? You knew you couldnt play yet you shot. If you couldnt play you had to leave before shooting. You shot because you hoped to shoot a mafia and then put up a vote and leave. But you shot a blue so you didn't wanna go ahead with what you had done if you shot mafia. And don't you dare tell me to get over a game. I don't care about your losses. You will get a mod friend to quickly close this report. We all know why people like you grs. Even road man had 1000 of losses. By that logic anyone who has 1000 of losses should not get a grs vio.

Out of all the reports Nathan picked this. Because jeff asked him to. Just stop the corruption. You guys break rules, then engage in corruption and then ask us to get over it.