ISP rule states, "Not participating sufficiently over the course of a game and/or an undefined period of time when addressed by another player or by a threat of votes or pinging." He did this for all day, and he did it to cause a non game related chaos, make us veg him. He did this, also he did blitz. I dont know how is this OK.
He did fake it, he accepts in the report. He says he did not know it is not allowed. I dont believe time is an importane matter but he faked afk for 9 minutes, not just 2. You can check it from time stamps. I dont know how Ethereal ended up with two minutes. "It would be a vio if he was maf or fool and faked afk to blitz or get lynched" Yes! He did it! But he did the same thing for town win. So you are telling me its ok to fake afk and blitz as town, but not as maf or 3rd party.
even though "when addressed by another player" If it is not, i think it should be forbidden. It is a scumhunting game, we should not need to bother if someone is really gone or he is faking it. That would nothing but adding more meta to games.