
Report #183,814

Report Details

closeddeletedover 8 years
Making fake quotes with a script to deter others from winning
one near the end of day 2 and several on day 3.
deletedover 8 years
(I still think that stopping fake quoting is dumb and people should be allowed to do it as long as they're not using it to break the community rules, but that's just me.)
deletedover 8 years
Former moderator 'the' said that fake reporting is reportable, just that no one does it.

No one /does/ care about people who use scripts in sandbox, but the one person that does just reported you I guess
over 8 years
Cody15 days ago
Just a friendly reminder that any sort of fake quoting or using scripts to manipulate the game in ways that wouldn't otherwise be possible is exploit abuse and will be moderated accordingly.