This is a serious report against Soda (Transcend) who has thrown against me in 3 games (1 of which was vegged) In the first game, soda had extremely few lines, and gave no reasoning to lynching me on the first day. On the second day, he hammered a blatant town and showed no concern over the game. In the second game, soda interacted with nobody the entire day and immediately fos'd me, despite me trying to actually find out if he was maf or not. He continued to tunnel until he was lynch but a mafia luckily vegged. In these first two games, you can clearly see there's a grudge against me from soda. The third game confirms it. soda was on his alt Transcend, and he did absolutely NOTHING this entire game. He voted me on day 1 and day 2 without saying a word and ended up being hammered in a town loss. Soda clearly has a grudge against me and has made me lose two competitive games in which I am running. This destroyed my run and the fact that these hearts probably won't be refunded is ridiculous. If this isn't gamethrowing, I don't know what it is.