
Report #179,013

Report Details

closeddeletedalmost 9 years

Under the language of the Hateful Comments I did not actually violate the rule. If you want to include all swear words, please include those in the hateful comments. At best this would be harassment BUT the reporter did not indicate that they were offended and did not offer an opportunity to stop.
almost 9 years
The C word is used extremely casually in Australia. Its another word for mate or bro.
almost 9 years
You didn't even get a violation. Also the C word isn't a generic swear word. Why would anyone even bother to mod abuse against you? That implies they'd have a reason to hold a grudge against you.
almost 9 years
For using a swear word once? Right. Mod abuse.
almost 9 years
Policy, you should be lucky it's only a note.. Just saying.
almost 9 years
Moderator abuse right here.
deletedalmost 9 years
You can't appeal a note.