
Report #170,730

Report Details

closedover 8 yearsfor Game 4827503
OGI at 10;57, re: his topic
over 8 years
This is the equivalent of calling you bad at mafia. If calling someone bad at mafia is OGI, then just delete the site.
over 8 years
the difference being those round things matter while my forum thread has been a literal joke that ive openly told people has no actual bearing and u got ate'd by it like a dumb noob
over 8 years
this is literal textbook ATE and iv'e both used and explained to every1 iv'e done so how this is ATE and vilden is salty he believed me and got ATE'd like a dumbnoob
over 8 years
ive used that ranking to ate people. its always been ATE cus a forum thread shouldnt influence good players on their decision lmao. vilden ur actualyl getting downgraded both for getting ATE'd then thinking this is a valid report. reread all my games for the past month the amount of times ive brought up that dumblist