
Report #168,587

Report Details

closedover 8 years blatant gamethrowing- n1 trolls - says " i wont cc" when no one asked him to cc, then lawyered the maf who was claiming cop just to spite me. then said " we lost ", then on day2 he self voted and subtly claimed maf, then n3 nkd to give autowin to mafia and claimed maf on day4
over 8 years
you are a terrible player and I should not have followed your strategy, then I wouldve won. 1: I lawyered you. 2: we did lose the moment cop guiltied nilla. Ofcourse I clai mlast day, they had a ml and there were ccs.
over 8 years
he lawyered the maf who didn't claim cop btw, aka you

i don't get why you always have to report all these dumb frivolous reports. it was auto on d3 because the confirmed cop (and hes clear because orc was the n1 kill) had two guilties.