Being an emjw is bad I guess (more annoying than anything else), but being someone who pretty obviously breaks a rule (no matter how stupid) and then acts like a victim is no better. It's just cringey as **** (gosh, this filter).
deletedabout 9 years
he's being an emjw (he hates sjw and now he's become one. muhaha.)
You're arguing on a game website where weaboos and tumblrinas play imaginary mafia against each other... take a few steps back and think to yourself: do you really, really give a **** (human feces, darn filter!) if you get a "violation" for this? This is pathetic.
deletedabout 9 years
Actually, there's some content that have to be censored for ad purposes to keep this site running. And yes, it should be monitored. But it's not like Terry put anyone down. It's not offensive to be distasteful. We all should've just been told don't do it again. And if it was done again, then vios should've been doled out.
I'm saying this under no obligation bc I was no vio'd.
deletedabout 9 years
I really feel like it's not the mods' job to decide what is appropriate to say and what isn't. We're all adults here.
deletedabout 9 years
He still shouldn't reproduce.
I'm done.
deletedabout 9 years
He has the right to be disgusting and offensive.
deletedabout 9 years
As in verbal warning, btdubs.
deletedabout 9 years
I think everyone should've just gotten warnings. Even though Terry is pretty terrible sometimes, he didn't deserve the vio.
I don't know who said that quote. I gave the violation not only because you bypassed the censor but because I didn't feel it was an appropriate thing to say.
"The most team agreed that bypassing the sensor is considered IC. If you see anyone else doing it then you can report them and they will get violations too."
I felt it was inappropriate to bring up sexual assault out of nowhere like that. On the lobby wall. When no one was talking about it... people don't want to see that....