
Report #167,449

Report Details

closedover 8 yearsfor Game 4749362
Voted me and said litearlly only because I had avatar, I mentioned if he did that, it was OGI and reportable. If he scumread me, that was one thing, he verbatim said "you have an avatar I'm voting you"
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
If you can discriminate against an avi, then what about discriminating against noavis?

Both doc AND cop dead, random lynch a noavi and win. Same deal here.
over 8 years
You actually literally did not copy the part that I said i FOSd you because of your wanting to lynch Messere, so nice try.
over 8 years
I attached the conversation, there is no "misrepresenting" at all. You said "we're all blue moron but one of us has an avi. lets go".
over 8 years
NinjaPanda is deliberately misrepresenting what happened here for his own benefit. I clearly stated that I FOS'd ninja because he wanted Messere shot day 1.

Him being an AVI was simply a bonus.
over 8 years
07:14 PolicyLyn...
well this
07:16 NinjaPand...
I think PolicyLynch would have killed me there.
3 no clears
07:23 wombita
07:26 wombita
im blue
07:29 PolicyLyn...
we're all blue moron
07:32 NinjaPand...
but one of you has an avi
07:33 PolicyLyn...
lets go
07:34 NinjaPand...
We are all blue claims.
07:45 NinjaPand...
PolicyLynch lynching me based on me having an avatar is reportable.
07:50 NinjaPand...
If you scumread me, sure, go for it.

Policy, you ALSO wanted Messere shot. You opened with "you have an avatar" you did the same thing d1 asking for me to be shot because I had an avatar.
over 8 years
This is the best way for a no avi to be reported.
over 8 years
I actually voted him because he wanted Messere shot. I said the avi thing because its what I do.

He actually OGId by mentioning the reporting system to try and sway my vote away from him. Shame on him.