
Report #165,364

Report Details

closedover 8 years

"Hey, i've spoken to the person involved in the report and they admitted to cheating in that game, i'm going to give them a note because sometimes it's better to inform rather than punish. I'll also refund the game in question." - Devante's PM to myself
over 8 years
I understand the new user policy for gamethrowing and ISP but I think this is so incredibly unfair for cheating. If I were to have cheated there is no way I would have gotten a note...
over 8 years
I believe a note is appropriate for a new user.
over 8 years
i'm pretty sure sending a long message to the accused person you're currently trying desperately to get a violation is a clear example of investing in helping out users, also refunding the game after you said you were "Affecetd" by this cheating is another example.

you're acting like it was your wife that cheated on you or something just relax
over 8 years
maybe it's good that you aren't a mod anymore afterall because you really don't seem too invested in helping out users on this site lol. guess that's for the best. I think this is a matter of principle and hopefully someone a little less arrogant might agree
over 8 years
well, like i really don't care because the game was refunded so idk how you were affected by the cheating in anyway shape or form, if a mod wants to give it a violation i also won't care because of reasons said in my earlier post
over 8 years
just because they are a new user doesn't condone the cheating especially when they vehemently denied it so he knew it was against the rules. maybe someone that is actually still a mod could give their input bc idk how I feel about how this originally handled
over 8 years
i mean if u wanna give a violation it doesn't matter, i believed after the pm they sent me that they were a genuine new user and I told them never to do it again and what would happen if they did. but they also haven't played in 3 days so it probably also doesn't matter
over 8 years
Sorry that I'm a few days late. I think they should be given a violation here. You say that it is better to inform, however this user clearly knew that she was breaking the rules, which is why she lied about it. I'm not really sure what the point of the note is? If she didn't realize cheating was against the rules for some reason I would understand -- but clearly she did, vehemently defending herself. Considering this rulebreaking affected myself directly I would like to see action taken, I believe a suspension is the most appropriate but obviously this is open for input.