
Report #151,029

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closedover 8 years
[Appeal] This was the first time I've ever played this setup, and also I have never had any prior experience with playing as mason so I believed that like cult, if the party number exceeds more than half/ is half of the players, we would win the game. Therefore, when we didn’t win in a 3 way I thought for sure LordODonnell wasn’t masoned. And when both of the remaining players nld, I assumed they were both maf sided and therefore the game was already over. It was obvious that I said “nice” in night 6 sarcastically/in frustration because I threw the game out of not being familiar with the setup.
over 8 years
alright i will thanks
over 8 years
I believe the story.
over 8 years
Duuude. You had two days to reply. This would have been helpful then. Looking into a self-OT.