
Report #147,558

Report Details

closedover 9 years
Cheating with Kyledemort. During this round they have played together 11/15 games Kradar has played. They tend to join at the same time a game to avoid the same IP restraints and they have both the same mannerisms and are from England.
Considering 7 months ago, I was banned for cheating I can assure you that these guys are definitely cheating:

Fun fact: None of these two participated in the last round. Coincidence, I don't think so.
over 9 years
omg im dead lmao
over 9 years
Excuse me? how does kyle randomly hipfiring me prove that we're cheating? do you even realize how little sense your accusations make?
over 9 years
over 9 years
Sorry for finding you out. You are pals, we get it.You play together, either in the same house as you both motioned living in England in your pages or you just communicate via skype. First game of the pastebin basically proves it.
over 9 years
Not to mention that you've also alt-tested us (made us say something at the same time on countdown), and we passed that.
Besides, don't you think that if we were cheating, we'd be winning much more? just how much can you hold grudges, mate?
over 9 years
Okay, now that i've had my laugh, let me tell you just how much effort you've wasted in this report.
You're saying me and kyle are cheating because he always hipfires me, and because i always check him. How is that even cheating? And, to be honest, i'm not from England. I've put "England" in my profile, but i'm actually from Italy. Kyle is legitimately from England. As for that part where you say we "have the same mannerisms and say the same things", I have to prove you wrong yet again, what we say to each other are just "memes" that we came up with.