
Report #145,924

Report Details

closeddeletedalmost 9 years

Lore is part of the same group of friends.

I refer another report, that received a note for cheating, for a joke comment saying they were communicating with afk player that vegged.

Now blister openly said "apparently stick is raging in the graveyard guys", proof that he was communicating with players in the gy. How isn't that "at least" note worthy, the report I referenced was a veg game on a joke comment that still received a note. Stop just taking care of your friends.
deletedalmost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years
saying that you can't find evidence that this practice leads to unfair games is kinda ridiculous, because in all fairness, you don't know WHAT is being said in that third party chat. All that you know in this case is that it happened at all. Most of the time outside-of-game-chat from now on to be known as OGC can't possibly be detected unless one of the parties involved says that it happened. And it's pretty much insidious to the game in terms of how it is normally use to warp gameplay. That's why this practice is even against the rules at all.
deletedalmost 9 years
The idea is that if a user the mod didn't like had done this, they would get banned immediately as the rules specify. The idea is also that when you're a repeatedly banned user that is chatting outside of game with other players, the likelihood that something untoward is happening is high.
deletedalmost 9 years
well i'm not sure why i'd be given unfair advantage im a god damn banned user
deletedalmost 9 years
from the rules: "Using outside methods to communicate with another player in the same game"...... It does NOT say 'as long as you're discussing the current game but not trying to get an unfair advantage it's okay' ....... also, even if you were chatting someone and NOT talking about the game that you're in with them it would be one thing, but come on. It's this simple: it's plainly against the rules, and if it was another player instead of blister, they would have been banned for this. No offense blister, I am not saying that I think you did anything wrong here. My point is more so that uneven enforcement of rules like this is garbage.
deletedalmost 9 years
Uneven enforcement = corrupt mods.
almost 9 years
i'm not saying "don't talk to each other during games NO MATTER WHAT", i'm saying "don't even mention game-related things that you think are safe/non-alignment-telling because you can very easily be wrong"
almost 9 years
All right, let me tell you that the rule actually does state that you shouldn't communicate during games, not just that "you can't cheat with it". Second of all, I am noting this because something like Stick's GY-rage CAN BE and IS VERY LIKELY TO BE alignment indicative of him (he flipped nilla/miller). I want and hope for you to be a lot less liberal with mid-game (group) skyping in the future.
almost 9 years
top kek
deletedalmost 9 years
listen buddy why don't you take the time and do a pastebin if you care so much, i'd love to see it
deletedalmost 9 years
sticki just wants all of the fun, good players on this site to be banned
almost 9 years
I think common sense is easily applied, why are they chatting over skype or another medium when they are in a game together? Why not just chat in the game? Or wait until after the game? Why did you feel the need to exchange information during a comp game for goodness sakes?
almost 9 years
"How do we know they are not using it to cheat?" how do we know anyone isnt cheating. having skype or steam installed on your computer is grounds for a permanent ban. in fact, no, let's go further. remove chatting in games. this is silent mafia. after all, we could be cheating
deletedalmost 9 years
well if you want to accuse 2 mods of cheating be my guest
deletedalmost 9 years
Also, I will point out again how it's funny that something that is plainly against the rules is OK when one person does it, but earns a vio when someone else does it. Almost like some of the mods are completely biased and are not making fair or reasonable decisions.
deletedalmost 9 years
from the rules, under the headline Cheating: " Pretending to cheat is also considered cheating." ...... also: "Using outside methods to communicate with another player in the same game" ...............

It also states that notes will not be issued and a first offense results in a immediate temp ban, followed by second offense of permanent ban.
almost 9 years
There we have admittance of out of game chat, in a comp game. How do we know they are not using it to cheat? This has no place in comp games. You mods banned the ruse family for running together, and they were not even chatting outside of the game.
deletedalmost 9 years
well yes, but there's no rule stating you can't use outside communication AT ALL - just that you can't cheat with it. you were raging in the GY and we just poked fun at it. harmless and innocent
almost 9 years
It wasn't pretending to cheat, it was a joke comment that they were chatting on skype with a veg. You actually gave proof that you were communicating with the graveyard. Where is the consistency?
deletedalmost 9 years
blister doesnt have friends. case closed.
deletedalmost 9 years
report you linked was pretending to cheat. completely different to your report on me
deletedalmost 9 years
stick is raging in the report section