Inappropriate Content. If this is not given a violation, I will start posting on my profile that "I want to suck the life out of mia khalifa's [something lewd]"
deletedover 9 years
deletedover 9 years
It looks like he already changed it too, so that works.
Jesus christ you should at least be telling Terry off for his motivations considering PLENTY in the sandbox chat have posted things similar to this while he's around. Even tonight. Kind of find it sketchy he hasn't reported everyone else who's said something mildly brow raising tonight, which is a handful of people? Especially including how he's been rude to Loki before with the gender thing
That or don't selectively enforce rules (i'm talking about inappropriate content) in a lobby where they're almost never enforced in the first place (if you began to ban people in sandbox for IC, it'd be BARREN.) at least be consistent rather than depend on reports of people who are doing it out of spite since most people do not CARE in sandbox. i understand why innapropriate content is bad for ad revenue but it's unfair to players if they're given vios for things that others never get vios for just based on petty dislikes
deletedover 9 years
MeetTerry:is loki a girl MeetTerry:or boy MeetTerry:I honestly cannot tell.