
Report #140,479

Report Details

closeddeletedover 9 yearsfor Game 4113987
Had no reason to fake a dream d1 but still claimed dreamer. Not reporting for him claiming dreamer d1 thats just bad play but giving a fake dream which led to town fosing him as its not possible to have a dream that someone is mafia. When asked if he was really dreamer he would ignore the question and continually insult others in the game for "being bad" when he couldn't answer a simple question. Literally joined this game just to troll. Refund please.
over 9 years
The only people who fossed me were you, ray, and lux. The three people who reported me. Everyone else had enough common sense to see that the claim was not a real claim, despite the fact that I did soft my report at the beginning by voting the three people on it after saying "blah blah", and claimed with my real report once I was being lynched with my final line (Before I died).