
Report #140,277

Report Details

closedabout 9 yearsfor Game 4110065
keeps voting me instantly on all days just because i'm riddler. i've been gone almost a year and it's quite fucking annoying. grudgelynching/gamethrowing/whatever you wanna call it. it's getting tiring. i'll leave another example in the comments.
about 9 years
i handled this glacial if you want to appeal. just telling you since i'm about to ask to be demodded
about 9 years
wow! I was just wondering where Riddler's gone to
about 9 years
the other game hasn't ended yet but i'll link it when it does. it's annoying as .
about 9 years
i didn't push for you to be lynched at all. i just put a vote up. i unvoted when i needed to unvote.