
Report #139,238

Report Details

closedalmost 10 years - Gamethrowing, outing his partner bruce because he thought bruce was cheating.
almost 10 years
The fact that you banned me makes me assume you chose not to ban bruce.

As for proof, if he truly was joking about his alt being cop, he would have just followed my kill pick considering I voted first. Not only that but he openly admitted to cheating.

While it is possible he was just skyping with the other player and they are not alts, this is still a bannable offense.

For these reasons, I don't see how you can not ban him. If you still disagree, I would like you to at least have another moderator look at this case.
almost 10 years
Thinking someone is cheating is no excuse for outing yourself. Next time just play until the end and report them yourself. That way the game doesn't get ruined any further.