
Report #129,503

Report Details

closeddeletedover 9 yearsfor Game 3860020
GTing foring meteow
over 9 years
Bouy had legitimate reasoning for not hitting the sheriff before meteor night, even though it would be throwing if he did this play again, now that he knows better. He was reasonable to think that meteor would be on town, because the last kill was his. This situation, where mafia has to kill twice in a row, only happens on daystart setups, which bouy didn't know. He also had legitimate reasoning to not try to kill the sheriff before meteor night, as he thought he had better chances in the 4-way (Blood had outted no reads), as opposed to in the 3 way with pianote, who scumread him hard. Buoy should have hit someone less likely to be vested on meteor night, but this was tricky & town is partially responsible for what happened here, as they took him to meteor night without anyone outting a vest. Blood should have outted it the day before meteor night, which would have forced bouy to kill a blue, which was Blood's intent, I think. Anyway, overall I don't see a clear intent to throw here.
over 9 years
This case tho is blatant, and says it on the rules it shudnt take a week to call it.
over 9 years
Thanks Giga - there is definitely some truth to that. The most important thing in these cases is what is said/done in the game and report. I do look critically at how what is said in PM matches up with game/report text, though. I can still say "No I don't believe you" at that point, and have done so on some cases.
over 9 years
Just a tip Polo if you talk to every borderline GT in PM obviously they're gonna make up enough to get it down to a Note. You're basically just asking them to BS because you can't say "No I don't believe you" at that point. Use what happened in the game and in the report comments, instead of giving the user an outlet to slither their way out of the situation imo
over 9 years
Hi, I don't really understand bouy's perspective in this game either, so I'm talking to him about it via PM. This is active though, and I'll sort it out within a day or two.
over 9 years
but bouy, why would you NOT hit the vest before that? it was two blues and a clear. what benefit did you, as mafia, have by NOT shooting at the clear (up until the very last day when he obviously had a vest)?
over 9 years
Game Throwing
Forcing a draw (meteor) when you are not faced with an autolose situation falls under this category as well, since lynching/killing would give you a chance to win.
deletedover 9 years
secondly i didnt know hitting vest on meteor will make it draw
over 9 years
Yeah there was literlly NO reason to not hit the clear. What benefit did you have by forcing a draw instead of killing clear?
over 9 years
Regardless of who started it first, you didnt hit sheriff the 3 days town nled and then you hit sheriff on meteor knowing he has vest forcing a draw is considered as playing against ur win condisiton. Cuz you had many other options.
over 9 years
No, if village started NL first the meteor would have been on us lol.
deletedover 9 years
i killed sheriff who has vest. that's not my fault , village is the one who started nl first
over 9 years
Should be refunded.
over 9 years
forcing meteor* i promise i'm not mentally ill