
Report #128,962

Report Details

closedabout 9 years
about 9 years
about 9 years Me refreshing the page showing the staff announcements
about 9 years
alright lol it was a joke report anyways i thought that was clear.
about 9 years
But it isn't. You can even see for yourself.
about 9 years
this is a clear case of screenshot tampering. the original date of that mod post was five days ago. also wasn't there an announcement previous to that one that said not to do it as well? just because they replaced it doesn't mean it never happened...
about 9 years
See here for more information on why this would be thrown out in court. Here is the definition of Ex Post Facto Here is the US government stance on Ex Post Facto
about 9 years

We were not told not to until a day later. If this were court this case would be thrown out instantly.
about 9 years
sorry, that's the wrong link lolol. the real one is this