
Report #125,930

Report Details

closedabout 10 years GT. Kills a blue then doesn't kill/guise the cop to save from autoloss. Gamethrwoing disgusting trash and I lost all respect for you for atrocious play and GTing
about 10 years
are you dumb if hooker is lynched u kill cop and then towntell and win. don't fake dumb.
about 10 years
?? it's no reveal. only way we had a chance with hooker lynched d1 was to convince people cop was fake.
about 10 years
i was trying to put suspicion on cop, was planning on guising out as cop, but didn't know how to copy his colored texted so gave up, not my best play sorry
about 10 years
I want a refund, this is blatant GT.