
Report #117,781

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closeddeletedover 9 years
Appeal Actually it's a well-known precedent-backed fact that the doc is not supposed to save on a meteor night and I wasn't going to risk killing into autolose since I did not know who the doc was as it was quite possible apee was WIFOM'ing with his slip. So can you remove this vio it was the town's fault for NL'ing there
over 9 years
Can we resolve this before the round ends
over 9 years
There should just be the rule: If doc is alive and there is only one clear, that person should not be targeted by the maf else they are looking to GT. Doc saving the clear is correct else what is the reason for the doc to even exist?
over 9 years
Ok Connor, you keep insulting people because you think you're right. The fact of the matter is that mafia should have shot someone different if it wasn't working out the first 2 times. You can't expect to rely on a doc to not doc when they were unaware that their actions would somehow have a negative impact.
deletedover 9 years
shane, the parameters of the final night and the rest of the nights were not the same. there was a meteor on the final night. shut up and keep your pseudo-intelligence in places where it's wanted, i.e. not here.
deletedover 9 years
this is wrong
over 9 years
"well what if he assumed that doc would no-save at meteor" Did you see the vote log? Pash attempted to kill the same person 3 times and expected a result on the last one. As Einstein said: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
over 9 years
I don't really care if its a gt or not, i just want my heart back because i shouldn't lose a heart over this game and i was told that games are only refunded if there was a violation involved, therefore i'm pushing for a violation
over 9 years
I could see that as a possibility if she wasn't trolling the entire game and i see this as another attempt to ruin the game. Not to mention that the doc is pretty noob and wouldn't know that they aren't supposed to no save on meteor.
deletedover 9 years
well what if he assumed that doc would no-save at meteor
over 9 years
but i don't understand how trying to kill me when you know doc is on me is playing towards your win condition. You had a 50/50 chance of killing doc and still having a chance of winning as opposed to forcing meteor and guaranteeing yourself a loss. that is not playing towards your win condition
over 9 years
okay you're right, i forgot you already claimed hit
over 9 years
I should keep a list of all the users who I am apparently an alt of.
over 9 years
PASHMINA had no reason to aim for me the last night, she knew doc was still going to be on me. Her other choices were to either kill drew which would put us in lylo or to kill shane where she would then know to claim hit since she would know that he was bp and she has to cc him. there was absolutely no reason for her to try to target me again. she trolled the entire game and topped it off with a gamethrow and there's no reason to overturn this decision
deletedover 9 years
Apee "so i lynched Ignignikt and was then going to lynch PASHMINA but idrew insisted on no lynching each day so i figured she would just die and I would hammer correctly." direct quote. Also stop plussing yourself and commenting on your Pianote alt you look bipolar as hell lol
deletedover 9 years
Actually there was nothing I can do via hitting since I had already claimed hit and hitting SHane would put me into autolose. Town had a 50% chance and needlessly NL'd you yourself stated there was no reason to NL
over 9 years
town did nothing wrong here, PASHMINA forced the meteor and this needs to be refunded
over 9 years
And it wasn't "the town's fault for NL'ing there" because meteor wasn't on town, it was on you. You think you shouldn't get a GT vio because the doctor didn't out himself and allow himself to be killed by you? lol
over 9 years
you wouldn't kill into autolose moron. there was no scenario where you would be in autoloss