https://epicmafia.com/report/110429 Another appeal towards Jupiter's BIAS judgement. In this report, Jupiter lets the guy who hipfired off the hook ->
https://epicmafia.com/report/111139 (saying it was a genuine misclick). THIS GUY HIPFIRED THE COP. In the report I am veoting, I accidently hipfired a villager yet I receive a violation for it. Jupiter is obviously grudge vioing me for selfish reasons. In my report, you say hipfiring is against the rules well, the other guy did it too but didn't get a violation yet I do when the other guy hipfired a COP whereas I only hipfired a BLUE as BLUE. After I hipfired, I apologized and said "I thought he was mafia". So if he was mafia, would I still have been giving a vio for hipfiring correctly? Please VETO this sh*t.