[APPEAL] https://epicmafia.com/report/110406 -- It's not his picture. He can't claim "outing personal information" when the pictures aren't even of him. I gave evidence showing 25 pages of stock images of the model he stole the identity of.
I agree with Dezeriae. Linking to stock photo's isn't outing personal information (if I understood it correctly he isn't the person on the pics anyways), but this kind of behavior is definitely harassment. Heisenberg made it clear he felt harassed by this continuous behavior. So 2d vote to OT to harassment, I'm gonna OT.
Vote OT to Harassment. Stock photos are not personal information, if Heisen is the man on the photos, he signed over his right to the agency when they took them. He posted his photo on the site, outing this information and making it public. Mikey is free to post stock photos, but he is not free to antagonize or harass other players, following them to games and trying to defame them.
And clearly, the mod who gave me the vio didn't read the report thoroughly because he refers to it as "his picture". It's not HIS picture. Just like my avatar of Brad Pitt isn't me. I can claim that it's me, but it doesn't make it me.