
Report #104,072

Report Details

closedalmost 10 yearsfor Game 3234817
Meta abuse since D1, admits to never killing Bellissima(His friend) and throughtly states so in the game. He legit believes its OK to have such honest meta and you can tell about how mad he gets when people LIE ABOUT META that he problably does this every game.
almost 10 years
Who is butthurt now?
deletedalmost 10 years
it's not meta abuse unless it's used every game lol stop being butthurt that you lost
almost 10 years
Also you should report TM then. He says multiple times supposed is my friend I always trust him. So I think it's honest meta you never lunch your friend. Please look into that as well
almost 10 years
I wasent upset about you lying about meta. You had no reason to say you are meta clear though so many times throughout the game. I have no problem with you lying about it but don't lie and use it to push you are town. That's just being a *** that is also relying on meta to push his case. I shouldn't have mentioned running however and I can say that. However I hope my games are looked through as I said I said I wouldn't kill someone because I probably wouldn't. Not to say I haven't broken meta which I have a many times. Also if there is anyway that I get a Vio for this so should half of the site. Saying you don't kill your friend is what half the site does cause they like playing with there friend. There is nothing wrong with that. I have played 3 games with caro this round amd lost 2. Also I have claimed meta in 0 games this round and never do. So you are wrong on your accusations and I consider slander that you make an accusation based off nothing.
almost 10 years
Honest meta / meta abuse isnt just a 1 game thing,if I always claimed Im clear whenever my friend dies and I actually always was town, that would be meta abuse / Honest meta, which is what Im accusing you for. Its quite clear that one of us sincerely believed what he said ingame(hint, it was you)while the other two were just lying through their teeth since they were maf. Im quite certain that you problably always does this whenever one of your friend dies n1 which is why I reported you and hopefully a mod will look into it.
deletedalmost 10 years
The Meta Super Race. Real vs Fake Meta... Who will win?!
almost 10 years
You are sour you lost. you tried to et me lynched based on a false meta. i tried to get you lynched based on a real meta. LOL you are a clown
almost 10 years
You are sour you lost. you tried to et me lynched based on a false meta. i tried to get you lynched based on a real meta. LOL you are a clown
almost 10 years
Ok. Lets go over this once more. You tried to push the agenda of the fact that you can't be hammered because you wouldn't kill caro. I did the same at the start of the day. Then on d3 you tried to insist that i am mafia based of this very same meta. So basically you are insisting that because you lied about the meta it isn't meta. But because i used meta and told the truth i abused it. Thats kinda *** hilarious because you insisted many times throughout the game that you are town for the very same reasons. Yes the meta abuse was heavy. But from a n impartial POV you cannot say that your meta wasn't abuse in itself.
almost 10 years
The difference is, I lied and you didnt, and you problably never lie about this stuff. And ofc we buddied, we were maf together u idiot.
almost 10 years
Hmm. Ok I understand that mentioning my run is wrong. Yes I shouldn't have done that. And i can also say, I felt i was in a position of need to say something with the fact they were heavily pushing this meta and would have been happy to win the game pushing there meta. I welcome my games to be investigated as I have never said it before.
almost 10 years
I think its ok to say d1. I wouldn't kill her. You also and TM juke asaid the same and stated it many a time. I was angry that his reason for voting was that you are his friend. TMJUKE many times in this game says duppi is my friend i was trying to win with my friend. That is meta at its finest. I said that i wouldn't kill carl at daystart which is perfectly fine to say because you said it yourself at daystar and tried to push the agenda 100 times over throughout the game. Yes I said I wouldn't kill her. Its not a violation either.
almost 10 years
Notice how he also states that he wouldnt do this while running; "I would never lie in my run". This is some heavy meta abuse and this should be investigated.
deletedalmost 10 years
Furthermore, TheOnlyJazznation1 used OGI of mentioning his run throughout the game