Circle Master Race


What makes the world so wonderful to behold? Is it doges? Cats? Cubes? Never. Let's be forward about the issue. Everything is based on a circle. Planets? Circles. Cycles? Circles. Molecules? Circles. You cannot avoid a circle. We are all bound to them.

And for what is rightful and proper, it is with great pride that I announce circle unity for all circles, forming the first ever Circle Army. To everyone else, you must bow down or risk being crushed by the might of our forces. We may be fewer in numbers, but the eminence of our race renders the numbers debate moot. Understand this is not an act of malice, but of evolutionary benefit. For far too long we have allowed the filthy non-circles to control things, and look at what they have done with things? Suiciders running freely, moderators who don't care, and people who are straight one day and then gay the next.

We must rise from the ashes and reclaim our glory! We are taking over the world, one game at a time. And let it be known: circle is master race.

Members 1