

Our goal here at DailyMafia is to get you intrigued and to leave you wanting more of this great game that we so highly enjoy!!

www.dailymafia.com or twitch.tv/dailymafia to watch or play!


♦ To encourage and spread the love of this game

♦ To play ranked games, and dominate

♦ Trophies... lets show Simplton a thing or two

♦ Have fun

almost 10 years
yo inv?
over 10 years
MMP, have the you wrote is grammatically incorrect and makes no sense :(
over 10 years
When I first started Mafia I was a little overwhelmed, as my first social game it was pretty complicated. I soon started to pick up the mechanics like hammering and fake claiming. Before I knew it, I was performing лучше and better. I stopped making silly ошибки and я got vastly better at not кормление the mafia команда. For the наиболее part, everyone I've met was very helpful and хороший, there есть the иногда рывок however. As Я по-прежнему play Mafia все более и более, Я уверен, что я буду продолжать совершенствовать. Я рекомендую эту игру для всех!
about 11 years
Boonesy bby you may want to change the twitch link to the new one.
about 11 years
templar sucks