

Our mission as Pokemon is to travel the world and to explore new areas. We always stick with our friends. We treat each other the same regardless of their Pokemon avatar or type. And most importantly we look to have fun in everything we do!NOW LETS GO OUT THERE AND SHOW EVERYONE WHAT WE GOT! puts ash's hat on. turns it backwards.

Our mission that we will continue to achieve is to show the world that Pokemon is not just for the younger audience, and it should be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Temporary mission: To obtain our third badge, we will have to achieve 200,000 points. It may take some time, but I know we can do it!


Current amount of badges: 2

Current pokemon of Family: Pikachu, Chandelure, Electrode, Flareon, Torchic, Woobat, Magikarp, Heracross, Weavile, Bulbasaur, Ampharos, and Celebi

about 12 years
yeah sry jatomic i only want one account from each person. And i'll gladly add the bulbasuar.(and btw dark im way ahead of u in wavelength, lol im jk were the same u dont need my permission ^_^)
about 12 years
We'd like 10 DIFFERENT members, preferably, however, Pikachu should be more than happy to accept Bulbasaur into are group (if me and pikachu are on the same wavelength.)
about 12 years
hey can you add my alt DaOsumGuy(a genesect) and some bulbasaur i came across named dolun
about 12 years
CAN I JOIN??????
about 12 years
Welcome to the pokemon family ^_^. I'm pikachu and the co founder of this family is Gengar.(Darkcloud1232)