The Cheaters


We are clear all day erry day.


over 12 years
it's a great idea but I think it's too late lol. hobo and kock have been afk for a while :(
over 12 years
oh my gosh raccoon what a great idea!! :) I'll get to it !!
over 12 years
we should do secret santas in our family and we all give each other a present in the form of a picture on the internet/that we drew! piece can assign santas or we can get a third party to do it
over 12 years
lol paris why do you want to be a cheater? do you even have what it takes???
over 12 years
I want in
over 12 years
wtf lolol paradox in this family too. weird fam
deletedover 12 years
say whattt. i knew paradox=fantastic, but extravagance too! WHAT wowowwwow. now im really looking forward to seeing you play.
over 12 years
Good luck index with your trophy win!!. Also, with the addition of Paradox we are now in the top families list x)
over 12 years
welcome our newest member: Fantastic/Paradox/Extravagance. I love the nice blend of vets and kids we have in this family :3
deletedover 12 years
paradox! i think my hiatuses and your cycles of play were overlapping. i dont think the two of us have ever been active at the same time, so i dont know you very well! we should play together sometime. it seems you have a reputation as a good player O.O
over 12 years
over 12 years
over 12 years
over 12 years
yeah the whole not allowed to post in game thing is irritating. all these restrictions because these kids are so untrustworthy. it's w/e =_="
deletedover 12 years
i was holding onto that comment for like 2 hours because i kept forgetting to press enter after finishing my games D; (so i didnt see raccoon comment under me gaaah)
deletedover 12 years
raccoon get back here and play EM with me! where are you?? i searched to the end of the world for you and with the help of piece, i finally have come so close~ =_=
over 12 years
lol you invited index =_=
over 12 years
over 12 years
lol Raccoon. It's the last time you logged in i think.
over 12 years
so I was profile stalkin my friends when I noticed that it says I was last active 20 hours ago on their friends list. WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE?! Am I the only one seeing this or did epicmafia really forget I exist? :(
over 12 years
i'm upset goodie. extremely.
deletedover 12 years
meh i'm falling out again unless i trophy run during break but dont see that happening... it's been fun though, until next time!
over 12 years
lol pw games. man if we all got into one game it would be troll kingdom x)
over 12 years
say a date and force everyone to be online. WE CAN EVEN HAVE A PASSWORD!
over 12 years
lol racoon i'm sorry bruh. we need 2 have a family game =D