Suddenly, Ducks!


This family is for every and all duck or duck-related accounts on this site. We are here to promote the love, care, and/or irrational fear of ducks, and all of the Holy Duckdom.

As motherless ducks, we are together in our quest for valor and honor; our sole purpose as ducks is to protect one another, to thrive, to survive. To each other we pledge allegiance, to one another we are brothers and sisters. No one duck is above any other, and no duck may claim to be lesser than any other.

In the tongue of our forefathers and their fathers before them:


over 11 years
Sup, honorary duck back to EpicMafia!
over 12 years
i wanna join!
over 13 years
I just want to say that I feel just great being given tih shonorary title and that I will quack about this everywhere I can.

On a sidenote, (this is real btw) I always take my showers with a little crystal duck (made out of glass or glass-plastic) :D
over 13 years
over 13 years
Sup ducks :3
over 13 years
I can't, for some reason?
deletedover 13 years
Send me a fam invite!